A 'Conference book' was distributed in 'Kapellerput', containing an anthology of anecdotes, list of participants, biographies of workshop keepers, and a survey of the programme. A very small amount is still available. For more information, please contact Marjorie Lap: info@lapstreur.nl.
Psychodrama, Studies and Applications is the academic book, which was distributed at the conference. It contains 21 articles on different areas, all concerning either theory, or application of modes of current psychodrama. Almost all of the authors were workshop keepers, present at the conference. Also some copies of the academic book are still obtainable. For more information, please contact Pierre Fontaine: p.fontaine@uclouvain.be
Contents of Psychodrama, Studies and Applications
Part 1 Theory & Techniques
The genuine encounter revisited - Tauvon, Lars.
The integrative role, the missing link - De Jonge, Mark.
Possession by a complex or a role conserve, Complementary psychotherapy practices of Jung and Moreno - Stephenson, Craig.
Psychodrama and the unconscious - Feasy, Don.
Group dynamics in Psychodrama groups - Mulder, Lex.
In experiential Psychodrama, the protagonist represents the group - Cuvelier, Nand.
Psychodrama and neurobiology - De Laat, Pierre.
Psychodrama with Landscape genogram in the graining of family therapists - Neve-Hanquet, Chantal, & Pluymakers, Jacques.
Working with Daniel Ofmans core quadrants in Psychodrama - Lap, Jan.
Satellite, Dorothée & Pierre Fontaine.
Voicedrama in managementtraining - Collewijn, Berry and Mulder, Lex.
Take your time! The importance of sharing in PD practice - De Inocencio, Roberto.
Part 2 Applications
Psychodrama with children. A phenomenological-dialectic view - Verhofstadt-Denève, Leni & Verhofstadt, Moira.
The magic forest. PD with young children - Jeannin, Niki.
Let's play! Psychodrama with adolescents and adolescent services - Pancheri, Elvira
Psychodrama with persons with motor or mental handicap - Pierre Fontaine
Psychodrama therapy in a residential setting - Fontaine, Dorothée.
Schema-focused psychodrama in a treatment program for people with personality disorders - Pierre de Laat.
Five bibliodrama miniatures - Lap, Jan.
Working with Children. Psychodrama in biblical context: Bibliodrama - Lap-Streur, Marjorie.
On teaching dramatechniques to corporate trainers and coaches - Budde, Judith,